Tenth Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery
Tenth Massachusetts
Battery Association
The Tenth Massachusetts Battery Association was originally formed in 1879
by the veterans of the Battery, as a fraternal organization.
It has been revived in 1998 as a group formed for historical research into
the people, events and artifacts of the Tenth Massachusetts Battery
in the Civil War. This group is not affiliated with any other organization.
The membership is open to any historic minded person.
A President will be chosen, whose duties will include organizing meetings,
mailings to the membership and recording all proceedings of the group.
Any interested person may reply to cannoneerfour@hotmail.com.
The Tenth Massachusetts Battery
Association today
Members of the Tenth Massachusetts
Battery, N-SSA who had a strong interest in the original Battery
revived the Association in 1998. We have tried to make the history live by gathering all
the information and artifacts we could and make it available. Members have spoken to organizations,
made pilgrimages to Gettysburg, Ream's Station and cemetaries and chased through reference materials to
gather what knowledge we could. The historical record and roster of the Battery is availble on
this website. We have been especially grateful to the decendants of Battery members who have
contacted us and shared additional information with us.
Some of the information we have managed to collect
on the Battery
Southboro Historical Society

Members of the Tenth Massachusetts
Battery Association were invited to speak Wednesday, February 24, 1999.
Two members of the original Battery were from Southboro. The Association
was able to present a copy of Southboro In the Civil War to the Society.
For more information, see the Southboro Historical Society page.
The Massachusetts Military
Worcester, Massachusetts
The Archives of the Massachusetts
National Guard, dating back to the State's earliest Militias. Recently consolidated
and moved to an old Armory in downtown Worcester, Director Stephen Seemes
has transformed it into a valuable historical resource.

Part of a display put on at the Massachusetts
Military Museum by TMBA members; centered on a Confederate Mountain Rifle
reproduction, used in American Artillery Association and North-South Skirmish
Association competition, and recently featured in an article in The Artilleryman.

Ron Borjeson receiving the Good Citizenship
Award from the Sons of the American Revolution during the Opening Night for the Civil War exhibit featuring the artifacts
of Mr. Berry. Ron has served as the Civil War Curator for the Museum. Looking
on is Musuem Director Steve Seames.
Interested in shooting artillery?
These pages give further information:
Sill, the home of U.S. Army Artillery,
has Ordnance Rifle #542, which the Tenth Battery lost at Ream's Station
John H. Chipman, Jr. Post #89,
Grand Army of the Republic Hall, Beverly, Massachusetts had at least one member who
served with the Battery.
The Massachusetts Genealogy Webring for those looking into
Massachusetts history.
Sleeper's Battery | The History of the Tenth Btty |
The Roster of the members
of the Tenth Btty |
Service Record of the Tenth Btty |
Field Artillery in the Civil War |
The Tenth Mass Battery Association today |
10th Mass Btty, N-SSA (and other links)