Sleeper's Battery

The Tenth Battery,
Massachusetts Light Artillery
1862 - 1865
Tenth Massachusetts Battery Association presents the Tenth Battery in the Civil War.
The Battery was mustered in 1862 and served until the
end of the war, and was very active in the Petersburg (Virginia) campaign, June, 1864
through April, 1865.
The links below will take you to information on the Battery:
the History of the Battery is in two parts; the Roster lists all the members of the Battery,
and then gives additional information on each; the Service Record lists the actions and casualties;
Field Artillery gives information on guns, ammunition, organization and life in a battery;
other information on the Battery we have been able to uncover, as well as research today, is presented
at the Tenth Mass Battery Association today.
The original Tenth Battery
photo by TMBA member C.
Peter Jorgensen,
From the Hall of Flags, Massachusetts State House
J.Henry Sleeper
The first Commander of the Tenth Massachusetts Battery
and the first President of the Tenth Massachusetts Battery Association.
At Bull Run with the Fifth Massachusetts Infantry, he transferred to the
First Massachusetts Battery, and was made the Captain of the Tenth Massachusetts
Battery at the age of 23. He was wounded at Ream's Station, was breveted
a Major, returned briefly after recouperating and resigned from the Battery
in February, 1865.
After the war, he was a sucessful businessman in Boston
with an office on Milk Street and lived on Marlborough Street. He died at
his summer house on Marlbehead Neck on August 19,1891 at age 52, leaving
a wife and three sons, and is buried in Mt Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge,
H. H. Grainger
Henry H. Grainger, from central Massachusetts, received
the permission to raise a Battery on August 12, 1862 under Special Order
Number 614 from Governor John A. Andrews. The recruiting drive swept through
the state to Boston and up the North Shore, most of the Battery coming from
Worcester County, Charlestown or Marblehead. When the Battery was mustered,
Grainger was made Senior 1st Lt.
When Sleeper was wounded at Ream's Station on August 25,
1864, Grainger took command of the Battery. His command was a short one,
as on October 27th he was mortally wounded by a shell fragment at Hatcher's
Run, dying two days later.
Engravings from the book: Sleeper's
Tenth Massachusetts Battery, by John D. Billings, 1881
The History of the Tenth Btty
| The Roster of the members of the
Tenth Btty | Service Record of
the Tenth Btty | Field
Artillery in the Civil War | The
Tenth Mass Battery Association today |
10th Mass Btty, N-SSA (and other links)